What we do
Until recently most commercial satellite systems serving global communication needs have operated in the C-band and Ku-band. Increasingly, the growing congestion in these bands has meant that there has been considerable growth in the number of Ka-band satellite systems being planned and deployed. CGP has been involved in the development and expansion of Ka-band market access policy and regulatory requirements. Regardless of whether your interests are in Ka-band, C-band, Ku-band, S-band, X-band, V-band or L-band, CGP can assist in navigating through the regulatory maze regardless of whether the service offering will be mobile or fixed. CGP’s extensive global database of licensing requirements and regulations will ensure that your service will become operational with minimal delay and regulatory burden.
CGP has extensive expertise in authorising Ku-band Aeronautical Mobile Satellite Services (AMSS) and Earth Stations on Vessels (ESVs). CGP has used this knowledge and experience to assist a number of international clients seeking to provide satellite broadband services to the aeronautical and maritime industries with Ku-band mobile satellite services. CGP has obtained telecommunications and spectrum-use authorisations from regulators around the world enabling these services to be offered to commercial and private aircraft operating globally and to ships at sea with minimal or negligible regulatory impediments. Ku-band AMSS is attracting a lot of attention from satellite companies looking to fill the void left behind when the Boeing Company vacated the market. Ask CGP how it can help your business enter this exciting global market.
Satellite broadband service operators are increasingly looking to migrate their services from the congested Ku-band to the Ka-band. CGP has been assisting these clients by working through the ITU and regional bodies like CEPT, CITEL and the APT to minimise regulatory risk and ensure that national regulators accept and process applications for such operations in the Ka-band.
The WRC-15 recommendation on Earth Stations In Motion (ESIMs) is due to take effect on 1 January 2017. These changes to the ITU Radio Regulations must be implemented on a national basis, along with associated rules for licensing Ka-band mobile Earth stations.
Many administrations are going to require additional persuasion to ensure that they adopt ITU rules in a timely fashion. To ensure compliance with national law, implementation will need to be tracked globally. In high-priority countries, targeted lobbying efforts may be required to ensure the rules adopted are both timely and appropriate for pending services. If your company is thinking of entering this market, ask CGP how we can help you participate in ensuring that the global and national rules and regulations that will govern how this market will operate will not become a hindrance to your business development goals.
Large LEO Constellations
CGP works with early stage visionaries to develop plans for market access, frequency harmonisation, local partnering options and information security when deploying a large constellation of LEO satellites and the sub-systems to support them.
CGP continues to assist a number of its clients in obtaining VSAT licences for their service offerings globally and providing guidance on regulatory issues that may impact current and future business plans. CGP’s extensive global database and regulatory contacts will ensure that your business is able to provide service to your clients within the shortest possible time.
CGP has assisted clients in the development of international and national policy recommendations and regulations governing the development and deployment of digital radio equipment and systems. We offer expertise in this growing portion of the telecommunications market globally and assist in developing strategies for the marketing, licensing and operations of such equipment and systems in nations around the world in a cost effective and efficient manner.
The provision of voice services to ships at sea and aircraft in the sky is attracting a lot of attention from both satellite operators and telecommunications service providers. CGP has extensive experience in the setting of rules that govern the provision of such services and can assist you in entering the market by helping to design the service so that it attracts minimal regulatory attention and in helping you identify suitable partners in either the satellite or telecommunications fields to provide a seamless global service. CGP has provided advice to its clients in providing voice services via GSM or VoIP to aeronautical and maritime platforms and follows the regulatory discussion in the regional bodies setting international guidelines for the provision of such services.
Legal Intercept
The requirement for all forms of communications to be able to be legally intercepted by national security agencies is a growing practice globally that can act as a barrier to market entry if it is not managed carefully. CGP has extensive experience in negotiating with national governments on the requirements that may be imposed on businesses and can assist your business in minimising the cost of meeting these requirements. CGP has provided advice on legal intercept requirements in major jurisdictions and negotiated mutually satisfactory outcomes for clients and administrations that have minimised the client’s costs and time to market.
![Government Affairs](http://www.cgpsols.com/wp-content/themes/t72_tpl/img/affairs.png)
Industry Associations
CGP is an active participant in industry associations in key jurisdictions that help shape the regulatory debate on how the future telecommunications and radiocommunications legislative and regulatory environment should look like. Ask CGP how it can assist your business in participating and influencing the global discussion setting the rules about how your services may or may not be provided.
National Regulators and Policy Making Agencies
With over 50 years of combined experience in helping to shape the international telecommunications and radiocommunications regulatory environment, CGP’s Principals have developed deep networks of contacts within global regulators and intergovernmental policy-making agencies. These networks have proven invaluable to CGP’s clients whether they are seeking quick guidance on designing a new service to be compliant with prevailing regulations or whether licences are being sought. Ask CGP how we can help you get to market sooner with less regulatory impediments.
International Telecommunications Union
CGP has years of experience and expertise in navigating the labyrinth of global telecommunications and radiocommunications regulation. CGP is actively involved in supporting clients at various ITU Working Parties and at World Radiocommunications Conferences through membership of national delegations and national advisory bodies. CGP can help your business become a participant and have its concerns heard at the supreme global telecommunications rule-making body.
Regional Organisations
Similarly, CGP is extensively involved in supporting the work of the ITU’s regional organisations on behalf of clients. This work feeds directly in to the work of the ITU and can help your business shape the telecommunications and radiocommunications regulatory environment of the future.